À propos de nmu

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Jusqu'à présent, nmu a créé 151 billets de blogue.

Make Travel Pet Friendly

More than any other time in history, pets are treated as valued members of the family. A survey by the American Hotel & Lodging Association found that 51 percent of U.S. hotels allow pets, and Trip Advisor found that 53 percent of 1,100 participants travel with their pets. Of those, 52 percent will only consider [...]

Par | 2018-07-02T15:49:48+00:00 July 2nd, 2018|Design et développement, Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Promote a Restful Sleep Experience

Hotels are placing more emphasis than ever on ensuring a restful experience for their guests, whether the property caters to the luxury traveler or those sticking to a budget. After all, there is no better way to ensure a memorable experience than by providing something we all desperately want and need - a good night's [...]

Par | 2018-06-06T19:29:15+00:00 11 juin 2018|Design et développement, Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Faire la différence, un pain de savon à la fois

Guest Supply croit fermement que la satisfaction des besoins de ses clients ne doit pas compromettre son engagement envers la conservation. En fait, la réduction de notre impact sur l'environnement est une priorité dans tous les aspects de notre activité. That's why we are proud to partner with Clean the World, a global enterprise dedicated to reducing infection and disease in [...]

Par | 2018-12-06T18:06:38+00:00 1er juin 2018|Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Meeting Trends for 2018

Two Roads Hospitality recently published the results of the 'State of the Meetings Industry' survey, including a forecast for expected trends to look out for in 2018 - and all signs point towards a year in which meetings and events will become an even more potent force within the hospitality industry. According to the [...]

Par | 2018-06-06T19:20:07+00:00 16 mai 2018|Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Sortez votre mobilier d'extérieur

Spring is in the air! The return of greenery and singing birds means hotels must match the atmosphere inside the hotel to the spaces outside. After a particularly harsh winter, guests want to enjoy the outdoors and explore fresh air spaces as extensions of their hotel rooms. Time to re-invest in your outdoor furniture [...]

Découvrez l'hébergement haute technologie

La technologie est en train de bouleverser le secteur de l'hébergement et les hôtels doivent s'adapter à ce changement généralisé, au risque de se retrouver avec des chambres vides. La demande pour ce type d'améliorations est en plein essor. Ce qui signifie que les occasions d'offrir les meilleures options en matière de confort et de commodité sont nombreuses. Consider these tech upgrades to offer five-star customer service.Mobile Automation Mobile phones are meant [...]

Par | 2018-04-09T21:46:24+00:00 9 avril 2018|Design et développement, Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

How to Improve TripAdvisor Ratings and Positively Impact Revenue

More than 500 hotel and restaurant reviews span seven million destinations on TripAdvisor. Each month, the site receives 390 million unique visitors who are directly booking hotels. With tremendous online power given to consumers, these independent reviews have the power to greatly enhance or irreparably tarnish reputations. Guests are more likely to book a hotel [...]

Par | 2018-05-16T14:53:34+00:00 9 avril 2018|Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Changing the World Together

Coffee, a morning essential for most guests, is capable of doing bigger things. Collaboration not only fuels growth in the industry, but it also changes the world. In that spirit, Guest Supply and Safai have paired up to offer the world's finest handcrafted single-origin coffees to valued customers. In order to provide the finest quality [...]

Par | 2018-03-13T20:34:49+00:00 13 mars 2018|Distribution, Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Go Green and Get Sustainable

Learn how to go green while also enhancing the guest experience. At Guest Supply, we have committed to going green with a pledge to use renewable and sustainable sources in all of our textile manufacturing, with a particular emphasis on terry. Towels can sometimes have a negative environmental impact, but there are ways to [...]

Par | 2018-10-17T18:07:46+00:00 13 mars 2018|Distribution, Textiles|0 commentaires

3 Cost-effective Ways of Mobilizing Millennials

Millennials today comprise the single most powerful driving force behind the global travel market. In fact by 2020, they will make up more than half the global workforce - with 38% of that population traveling for work-related purposes. Here are a few ways hotels can gain the upper hand in capitalizing on this highly-lucrative demographic: [...]

Par | 2018-04-09T20:45:23+00:00 14 février 2018|Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires