Chaque détail compte : offrez des produits de papier de qualité et soyez couvert d'éloges!

Du papier hygiénique aux mouchoirs, le luxe réside dans les détails. Les clients jugent les hôtels en fonction de la qualité de leurs produits de papier et ils veulent vivre une expérience de luxe. Les hôtels doivent se démarquer jusque dans les moindres détails, car de nombreux clients sont prêts à exprimer leur déception en ligne si leur expérience n'est pas à la hauteur d'un séjour au spa. Selon [...]

Par | 2020-04-13T14:23:29+00:00 13 avril 2020|Distribution, Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Your Full-Spectrum Hotel Solutions Partner

Established in 2006, Guest Supply's furniture, fixtures and equipment division (FF&E) is an industry leader in procurement. In partnership with top domestic management companies, we build and maintain relationships via a direct, upfront approach to pricing and project management that is transparent, financially stable and unrivaled. Guest Supply offers the largest sales team in the [...]

Par | 2018-12-06T18:07:42+00:00 1 décembre 2018|Distribution, Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Changing the World Together

Coffee, a morning essential for most guests, is capable of doing bigger things. Collaboration not only fuels growth in the industry, but it also changes the world. In that spirit, Guest Supply and Safai have paired up to offer the world's finest handcrafted single-origin coffees to valued customers. In order to provide the finest quality [...]

Par | 2018-03-13T20:34:49+00:00 13 mars 2018|Distribution, Nouveautés/tendances|0 commentaires

Go Green and Get Sustainable

Learn how to go green while also enhancing the guest experience. At Guest Supply, we have committed to going green with a pledge to use renewable and sustainable sources in all of our textile manufacturing, with a particular emphasis on terry. Towels can sometimes have a negative environmental impact, but there are ways to [...]

Par | 2018-10-17T18:07:46+00:00 13 mars 2018|Distribution, Textiles|0 commentaires

Why You Should Care What’s in the Furniture You’re Buying

When researching in-room furniture options, chances are you've come across terms like "melamine" or "veneer" and acronyms like TFL or HPL. These FF&E industry terms help identify the materials used in beds, sideboards, and other casegoods furniture made for commercial purposes. For hoteliers, it's helpful to know what materials the products you're purchasing are [...]

Par | 2017-11-06T14:43:04+00:00 September 23rd, 2017|Distribution|0 commentaires

Hotel Cleanliness Ensures Guest Loyalty

Simple strategies for ensuring guest satisfaction It goes without saying that for guests, nothing is more important than a clean room. And for hoteliers, when the topic of cleanliness comes up, housekeeping is likely top of mind. Aside from good housekeeping practices, there are many other subtle factors that affect how "clean" a room [...]

Par | 2017-11-06T14:43:37+00:00 7 août 2017|Distribution, Textiles|0 commentaires