Develop a Signature Scent to Reinforce Your Brand’s Unique Identity

A whiff of perfume or a breeze on a pleasant summer day can awaken long-forgotten memories and bring them new life. The olfactory senses are our strongest, creating an opportunity to increase brand awareness via scent. This type of biological marketing is the latest trend for those designing guest experiences.

While a pleasing fragrance is one way to make a favorable impression, you can truly stand out from competitors with a signature scent that heightens the identity of your brand through positive association and recollection. The Ritz-Carlton is a great example - they understand that there is an expectation of refined luxury for every component of their brand. Their bespoke scent, including a mix of Grasse rose, green tea and white jasmine, evokes the sophistication of Manhattan to create a memorable olfactory brand identity.

Local ingredients can create a welcome sense of nostalgia. In Phuket, a whiff of jasmine can bring a guest back to nights spent on the beach. Oranges perfume the Maldives, which can make recollection easier for any brand seeking global awareness. Research shows that the most preferred scents include pine, citrus, fresh-cut flowers, rosemary, peppermint, and baby powder.

At Guest Supply, we carry an extensive collection of fragranced goods, such as scent diffusers, scented steel polish, scented oils and scent bars. Our sales team will work one-on-one with you to help define the best fragrances and product options for your hotel.

Par | 2018-02-14T17:04:24+00:00 4 décembre 2017|Design et développement|0 commentaires