Faire la différence, un pain de savon à la fois
Guest Supply croit fermement que la satisfaction des besoins de ses clients ne doit pas compromettre son engagement envers la conservation. En fait, la réduction de notre impact sur l'environnement est une priorité dans tous les aspects de notre activité. Lire plus
Make Bed Bugs Check Out
Despite a property's best efforts, 68 percent of insect control professionals say that bed bugs are the hardest pest to exterminate. They cause welt-like bites and a rash, resulting in bad reviews and potential lawsuits. [...]
Choose Paper Over Plastic
In the United States, it's estimated that Americans dispose of 500 million straws each day. These one-time use plastics find their way into the ocean and into the stomachs of marine life, including 71 percent [...]
It’s Tea Time
Named after the treasure or "stash" of tea sea captains were entrusted to carry around the world, Stash Tea's all-natural assortments will take you on a journey of flavor, one cup at a time. Each [...]