Faire la différence, un pain de savon à la fois
Guest Supply croit fermement que la satisfaction des besoins de ses clients ne doit pas compromettre son engagement envers la conservation. En fait, la réduction de notre impact sur l'environnement est une priorité dans tous les aspects de notre activité. Lire plus
Make Cleanliness Your Trademark
Commitment to cleanliness extends beyond rooms to entries, corridors, indoor and outdoor gathering spaces, restaurants, meeting spaces and even parking lots. Even a lone online review mentioning untidiness can negatively impact bookings. In a survey [...]
Be in the Know with Guest Supply
The hospitality industry evolves so rapidly that hotels must be in the know with trends and innovations to stay relevant. Last week at Guest Supply's North American Supplier Convention, territory managers were brought together with [...]
Give Guests an Oasis of Calm
Modern guests expect top-notch services and amenities to maintain their investment in wellness. Their lifestyles demand adequate exercise, sleep and nutrition. Hotels can tap into this need to boost profits and give guests a retreat [...]