Faire la différence, un pain de savon à la fois
Guest Supply croit fermement que la satisfaction des besoins de ses clients ne doit pas compromettre son engagement envers la conservation. En fait, la réduction de notre impact sur l'environnement est une priorité dans tous les aspects de notre activité. Lire plus
Outdoor Furniture Can Make a Big Difference for Your Business – Find Out How
Forbes has informed the travel industry that Gen Y is THE consumer to focus on. Unlike previous generations, millennial travelers have expressed an interest in spending as much time utilizing a property's fresh air spaces [...]
How to Train Your Staff to Stop Bedbugs in Their Tracks
It's an unpleasant fact (and an even worse problem to deal with): the threat of bedbugs is here to stay. Even though shocking headlines about bedbugs in hotels aren't plaguing the news these days, [...]
Why Looks Matter When it Comes to Amenities
You can't judge a book based on its cover, but what about shampoo? The packaging designs of amenity products directly affect the way a consumer feels about those products. When you place an amenity [...]